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Overview of Machinery Used in Forestry

The forestry industry is the world’s largest consumer of power. This is because it relies on huge machines to operate. These include harvester processors, forwarders and transplanters. 


The forestry industry is the world’s largest consumer of power. This is because it relies on huge machines to operate. These include harvester processors, forwarders and transplanters. They are used to harvest trees and plant them as well as other activities related to forestry. The following are some examples of machinery used in this industry:

Harvesting Machinery

Harvesting machinery is used to clear and harvest trees or other plants. This can be done with a variety of machines, including:

  • A harvester, which cuts down trees or shrubs and collects the cut pieces in a trailer that is pulled behind it. It may also be able to stack the cut pieces on skids for loading onto trucks or train cars.

  • An excavator, which uses a bucket or other tool at the end of its arm to pick up trees and other objects from the ground, as well as dig holes for planting new saplings/trees/shrubs.

Harvesting machinery has several advantages over manual labor—it reduces human-caused injuries and deaths due to accidents; allows faster harvesting because you don’t have to stop often between cuts; can work in difficult terrain including steep slopes; reduces costs because fewer people are needed for each operation (and thus avoids paying benefits like workers’ compensation); does not require an operator’s license like many other types of equipment do; creates less noise pollution than operating chainsaws manually would create.

Feller Buncher

A feller buncher is a machine that cuts and collects tree tops. Feller bunchers can either be owned by forestry companies or farmers, depending on their use.

A feller buncher works by cutting down trees with a saw before collecting their tops in a large container on the front of the machine. The tops are then transported to where they will be used for wood products such as lumber or firewood.

Log Loaders

Log loaders can be used for loading logs onto trucks, trailers, rail cars and barges. While some log loaders are designed to carry a few logs at once, other models are capable of carrying hundreds of tons worth of wood at a time. These machines have many moving parts that need periodic maintenance; this is especially important if you are using your loader in harsh weather conditions or working near water.


Skidders are used to lift logs. They can be mounted on tractors or other vehicles, and are often used in tandem with feller bunchers. Skidders have many purposes, including lifting timber and moving logs around the forest floor.


Forwarders are used to move logs from the forest to a mill or yard. They can be used to load logs onto trucks, as well as move them between locations in the mill and yard.

Harvester Processor

A harvester processor is a combination of a harvester and a processor. It’s used to chop up the wood into small pieces, reducing the amount of waste in the process.

Harvester processors are often found in smaller operations that don’t have large enough equipment for both activities. They can also be used by larger operations that need to reduce waste at their site or want to produce smaller pieces of lumber from logs instead of large slabs.

Combi Machine

A Combi machine combines the harvesting, forwarding and processing of trees into one machine. The forwarder is able to move around the forest with high maneuverability and with its own engine to achieve this. Depending on the model you choose, you can use it for harvesting, forwarding and harvester.


A mulcher is a forestry machine that reduces the volume of woody biomass by cutting it up into small pieces. It is used in the forest to make it easier to transport, and also to reduce the volume of woody biomass.

Dredging Machinery

Dredging machinery also referred to as dredges and dredgers, is used to remove soil, sand, and gravel from river beds. The materials removed by these machines are then used for construction or other purposes. Dredging machinery can be used to create channels in rivers so that boats can use them more easily.

Dredgers are also used to remove silt from river beds because the silt can clog up the flow of water in a river or stream. This leads to flooding during heavy rains when all that runoff mixes with the silt on top of the bottom of a stream or river bed.

These machines are typically equipped with wide scoops which scoop out large amounts of material at once instead of removing small bits over time like most excavators do; this allows them do their job faster than other types of machines would be able to do it themselves given equal amounts of time spent working side-by-side on any given project involving dredging operations such as channel maintenance etcetera


The excavator is a heavy-duty construction machine that can be used for digging and moving earth, rocks and trees.

It is also used in mining to remove overburden (natural material covering the deposit), dig shafts, and load materials into trucks or railcars.

Other uses include removing trees from forested areas; levelling ground for use in road construction or other projects; or any other situation where it would be useful to have a large bucket attached to a boom with which you could scoop up stuff from one place and move it somewhere else.

You may have seen this machine before on TV shows like “Duck Dynasty” where they are used often as part of their job site cleanup process after they’ve finished filming an episode.

Transplanting Machinery

Transplanting machinery is used in forestry to plant trees, shrubs and other plants. There are several types of transplanting machinery available. The most common type is the transplanter, which is a machine that plants trees in rows at set intervals on a prepared site. Transplants are typically young seedlings that have been grown specifically for reforestation or afforestation projects and often include species native to the area where they will be planted. Transplanters can be used to plant trees in any pattern, including straight lines or staggered spacing between them (known as “checkerboard” planting).

Tree Planter

A tree planter is a machine that plants trees. It’s a tractor with a bucket that can plant trees in rows. Tree planters are used in forestry for the planting of trees, but they can also be used to plant plantations and reforestation.

Mechanized transplanter

A mechanized transplanter prepares the ground for planting trees and shrubs by coring, removing stones, cutting roots and tilling the soil. Transplanters are used to plant seeds or cuttings in prepared seedbeds. They can also be used to transplant small plants (eg, grafting stock) when the tops of young trees need to be raised above their root systems to avoid frost damage during cold winters.

Machines with a single row of spades are most common in commercial forestry operations because they don’t require much space between rows, but they can be less efficient than machines with multiple rows as they have fewer spades per unit area planted.

Seeding and Planting Machinery

Seeding and planting machinery are used to plant trees, but they can also be used for other plants, grass and crops.

Forestry machinery can be a helpful tool.

Forestry machinery can be a helpful tool. It performs many tasks in the forestry industry, including harvesting, felling, and transporting trees. Forestry machinery is also used for planting trees and other vegetation. In addition to having multiple uses within the forestry industry, it’s important to keep in mind that there are several different types of machinery that fall under this category and each type has its own unique pros and cons.


Forestry machinery can be a helpful tool. It is important to know about the different types of machinery available so that you can decide which one is best for your needs.

We hope this article has given you some information about what type of equipment would work best for your needs and why it might be good for your business today!